Our Promise, Your Journey

Changing your life with individualized care and compassionate therapy

Counseling for adults in groups, couples, and individually

Therapy and Counseling Offered:

We offer therapy and counseling in a private telehealth office in the following states:

  1. Arizona
  2. Colorado
  3. Iowa
  4. Nebraska
  5. South Dakota

At this time, our private telehealth office is credentialing with insurance companies and it is a long process. Currently JWCC can takes the following insurances:

Arizona: None-In process

Colorado: BC/BS of Colorado (federal)

Anthem BCBS Bluecard

BC/BS of Colorado (Anthem)

More coming

Iowa: None-In process

Nebraska: None-In process

South Dakota: None-In process


While waiting our private telehealth office  accepts private pay in the form of credit cards. We do offer to provide end of the month superbills and assist in filling out insurance paperwork so YOU  can submit your own insurance. 


To fit with your busy schedule, our compassionate therapists provide online  individual therapy appointments during the day, evening, and weekend. 

Just click the links below to make an appointment with insurance or without insurance! 
