Life Coaching Services

Coaching allows you to Empower AND Restore your life!

Renewing your focus and purpse to crate the best path for you!

What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching is a professional and specialized relationship that will help you produce astonishing results in your life to bridge the gap between where you are at NOW to where you want to BE!  A coach partners with you to shape your life in the manner you desire to with resources to achieve the quality of your goals. It is not therapy, but more life skills with resources.  The definition of coaching has many definitions; the spirit of coaching is to unravel a person’s potential and accomplish their goals.

Why should I hire a life coach?

People hire a life coach when they feel unsatisfied or thirst for motivation to achieve goals. If you are afraid of change, need some motivation, or NOT sure what is holding you back; AND you are ready to dig deep to take action steps towards change…Life Coaching can help!  

A professional life coach can guide you down the path to YOUR potential. A potential you NEVER knew you wanted or thought possible. It is a dedication to yourself.

What is the difference between coaching and counseling/ psychotherapy?

Coaching and psychotherapy/counseling do share similarities the focus of impact is different. Counseling centers on healing psychological dysfunction and relieving emotional pain. At times the emphasis may be on the past to help someone’s present and future functioning. The therapist is highly educated and trained in evidence-based psychology/counseling theories helping the client with their mental illness and dysfunctions. They hold state licenses, abide by Federal, National, and State legalities and ethics, and are considered a clinical provider.

Life coaching centers on the immediate present and goal setting for skills and behaviors of the client’s future.  The client’s desired life purpose and goals are center stage to establish possibilities to enrich their lives. The client determines the goal they wish to achieve. The coach offers skills and exercises to help the client increase their potential.

Professional life coaches understand that coaching is NOT therapy. They train to identify characteristics, legal, and ethical considerations of the clients to make appropriate referrals to mental health providers.

For more information please read Jackie Berke’s article Isn’t Coaching?...Counseling?

What do I work on with a coach?

You can work on any goal with a coach! Here are some examples:

  • Renewal Purpose
    • Over time our purpose in life changes. You can explore what makes your life purposeful or find a new passion.
  • Work/Personal Balance
    • Prioritize the demands of your life for your well-being.
  • Gratitude
    • Cultivate and express more appreciation and gratitude in life.
  • Self-Awareness
    • Bring about your understanding of wants, needs, desires, habits; anything that makes you, YOU!
  • Habits, Routines, & Time Management
    • Strategize to create boundaries to keep you focused and productive daily.
  • Confidence, Self-Growth, & Perseverance
    • Empower yourself to move forward by challenging your doubts and perceptions.
  • Exploration of your Path in General
    • Explore your integrity, goals, and values. Hold yourself accountable to meeting your expectations.


How do I keep track of my progress with you?

The current and past research shows people who track their goals through writing, experience 42% increase in goal achievement (Matthews, 2007; Sides & Cuevas, 2020). According to Matthews (2007), individuals who broke their goals down into actionable steps increased their goals by 78%. Furthermore Sides & Cuevas (2020) found the use of SMART goals helps to identify insights and sets boundaries through writing down goals.

As part of your coaching experience with Journey of Wellness Counseling & Consulting, LLC’s (JWCC) coaching services, we recommend buying a notebook or journal and a pen to bring to every coaching session.  Throughout your unique coaching quest, the coach will provide you worksheets, handouts, and prompt you to write down key steps and insights. This serves as YOUR written record on top of the coach’s session notes within your client file.


Matthews, G. (2007). Goals research summary [PDF]. Dominican University of California.

Sides, J. D., & Cuevas, J. A. (2020). Effect of goal setting for motivation, self-efficacy, and performance in elementary mathematics. International Journal of Instruction, 13(4), 1–16.

Will my insurance pay for coaching?

Remember JWCC does NOT take insurance. Furthermore, insurance benefits do NOT cover coaching. You may want to find out if you have an HSA account if you are able to use your HSA funds to pay for coaching.

What is the cost for life coaching?

JWCC life coaches tailor produce your life coach program based off your initial quest session. The cost of an hour life session is $100 an hour. We also have monthly life coaching packages available. Please visit the Life Coaching Rates page.

Contact our coaching department today to set up a free 30 minute consult call: